
In case of a delivery which does not meet your expectations, you will have time 10 days to return this product. (only in it’s original packaging)
Tablesports.ch will not take charge of any return costs.

You may return any Products you have purchased within 10 days of delivery for any reason (including if you simply change your mind). To do so you must notify us in writing or other durable medium (including e-mail) within those 10 days. You will then be entitled to a refund from us, which will be paid as soon as possible. You must arrange for and pay the costs of returning the products to us. While in your possession, you must keep any products you intend to return to us in good condition.

No returns accepted if ...

  • the pruduct was orderd another Supplier tablesports.ch
  • damaged or used

Address for any returns:

Soodring 19
CH-8134 Adliswil

+41 44 709 08 70
+41 44 709 08 87

For returns of tables, illuminating and bulk goods, please contact us.